I did finish the quilting on little boy baby quilt. All that is left is adding the label and washing. The front is flannel, the back is minkee type fabric. The customer decided they wanted batting so it is pretty heavy, but will be cushiony and warm.
I seriously dislike this time of year. My son's birthday is today. He is 17. Bad time of year for this family to celebrate a birthday. My husband farms ... with his dad. If you farm you know what that means for this time of year. If you don't farm - nothing else is important except to get those crops out of the field. Things don't always go well. My husband has been having equipment problems. It takes time to get the parts, take things apart and put it all back together. Sometimes things still don't work right.
My mother-in-law just called me and said she has a cake in the oven, but doesn't know what time they will get down here. Bless her heart, but I didn't even know that was the plan. Yesterday would have been a perfect day for birthday celebrating since they don't work on Sunday. I am just a tad frustrated. :(
And, to top it all off, my son is out riding the 4-wheeler in the field. He was almost out of gas. Dad told him to come find me to put gas in it for him. Never done this before. I spilled gas on me on the 4-wheeler and on him. Now I smell, my clothes (which I have changed out of and put in the basement to be washed) and my house smell like gas. And, my in-laws are coming down at some point this evening.
Oh, well. Happy birthday to my son!!! I can't believe he is 17!