Monday, August 10, 2020


 To see what other quilters are up to go to 

Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

I got this top together - 

Waiting on backing.

On my quilt frame -
It was bought as a kit, I can't remember the name of the pattern. I LOVE the colors.

I am sewing together more 2 1/2 inch squares -
to make this quilt longer - 
The place I want to donate it to requires twin size and this is only measures 74 x 74 - wide enough but not long enough. 

Over the weekend while Husband had the truck out of the garage I decided to sweep out all the old leaves and dirt -
When I retired I brought home my small library of kids books and stacked them were the tubs are now.
I knew the garage was not the best place for them so I carried them into the house.
Six crates of books. I love these books. I bought all of them myself through the years.
I had some .... disappointed, I don't really want to say hard .... feelings about work and I just didn't want to leave my books. I am hoping to have at least one little at some point in my life to share them with.

I had a driveway visit with three of my closest quilt friends on Saturday. While I was waiting for them I walked around the yard and took some pictures.

I love how these lilies just 'show up'!

These sunflowers - 
They are so tall! They love being on the east side of the house. The ones on the north side are half this size and not blooming yet. 
Something to look forward to.

The Hibiscus that broke - 
It's blooming!
And is loaded with more buds.

This bee - 
likes this coneflower.

And the butterfly bush has more blossoms.

Husband talked to our friend with Covid yesterday. He sounded better, but said it will be a long time until he is strong enough to go home. He is working hard to get his strength back. He thinks his legs and feet will never be the same. He has regained some sensation in his legs, but none in his feet. He is able to walk a little with a walker. He has lost 30 pounds. He still needs oxygen sometimes.

Stay safe and well.


Bonnie said...

Love the quilt you showed at the top -- It seems like it is fairly easy but the end result is stunning. What size blocks are they? (not that I should be looking at new to me quilts at all!) I have a collection of favorite kid's books too although most of mine are in a bookshelf in the studio or in the unfinished basement -- not the best place but it is what it is. Enjoy your quilting time!

For the love of geese said...

Such pretty quilts, so cheerful. Your flowers are doing well, mine not so much. Lilies did not bloom, wisteria did not bloom and I've only had 1 tomato ripen so far. My rose bushes did bloom and are still blooming. Prayers going out to your friend.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Love the quilts and flowers - so pretty! I'm glad to hear your friend is doing better - ;))

Janis said...

Lovely quilts! I too have children's books stored in my closet from my teaching days. I'm so thankful that I'm no longer teaching, can't imagine how you keep pre-school children socially distanced. Makes me glad that I had the years with the children that I did. It's not that there were no problems, but there was no pandemic to make us worry about being close and playing together. My heart goes out to teachers and parents of young children who have such difficult decisions to make about school these days.

Jay said...

Resurrection lilies are the best surprise of any summer, but especially this year!