Monday, June 23, 2014

Design Wall Monday

On my design this week is this...
My son played wheelchair basketball for a few years. At the tournaments they sell t-shirts for that tournament.
I began collecting them with the plan to make quilts for his coaches - a husband/wife team. This is one of the quilts. I have all the t-shirts fused and the center panel appliqued for the other one.
 I was trying to decide what to use for the borders and how wide to cut them. I did decide on what is shown here.
The block in the lower right corner has signatures and jersey
numbers of all the team members that my son has played with.
Now I have to decide how to quilt it. That is always a challenge for me.
Since some of the designs are pretty heavy on the shirts I don't want to quilt through them. I usually do a stipple around them, maybe with some stars mixed in on this one. My machine only has a 9" throat and by the time I get to the other side
there usually isn't a lot of space and I end up doing a lot of rolling
back and forth to get around the designs.
Just as a side note, I am not good at getting pics and text placed where I want it.
Guess it doesn't matter too much. My posts don't look the same after I hit the publish button anyway.
To see what others are working on visit Judy L. here.
Before I let myself work on the quilt I had some mending to do.
Hem 2 pairs of pants and shorten the sleeves on a top. All done.
I have been trying to get rid of 'stuff'.
Stuff that I no longer use, clothes that don't fit or I don't wear anymore,
crafts I am no longer interested in finishing. I have a smallish pile started.
I have much more of that to do.
Last week when I was doing yard work I noticed a robin flying out of the
honeysuckle every time I walked by. Upon looking closer I found this.
Unfortunately, we had storms over the weekend and there are broken egg shells
on the driveway under the nest now. It looks shells for only 2 eggs,
but when I checked the nest there were no eggs in it.
I enjoy watching the nests and seeing the babies grow.
Hopefully Mrs. Robin will lay more eggs.

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