To see what other quilters are up to go to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.
Time just seems to get away from me. I need to work in my yard and garden. I need to keep working on decluttering just about every space in my home. I need to finish up some projects. I need to get started on some projects. I just can't seem to find the time to do it all!
Today I will show you my projects that went to the fair. I entered 15 items. Fourteen got ribbons.
This is a tree skirt I made for my son. There were only two items entered in this category.
A knit shawlette. Not many items were entered in this category either.
This is an Exchange quilt I made with my quilt group. Each block was made by a different member of the group. This quilt was entered in the Friendship Quilt category. I have been the only one to enter the last two years. I won't be surprised if this category is eliminated.
Crimson Poppy won 1st in the Pieced by Owner, Machine Quilted by Owner category. It also won Champion Machine Quilted. There were 12 quilts in this category.
The Chickens quilt got 2nd in the Pieced by Owner, Machine Quilted by Owner category.
Olde Glory got 1st in the Miniature Quilt category. There were two entries in this category.
This small quilt got 2nd in the Quilt, Any Other category. It was too large for the Wall Hanging category.
This quilt got 2nd in the Child Size, Machine Quilted category.
This quilt was done as a mystery with my quilt group during Covid restrictions. It got 2nd in the Pieced by Owner, Machine Quilted by Owner or Other category.
This category will be changing to Pieced by Owner, Quilted by Other since this category was intended to be for quilters who aren't able to machine quilt their own quilts.
These are my 6-inch blocks.
And, 12-inch blocks.
This quilt got 1st in the Wall Hanging, Quilted category. The size is limited to no larger than 3' x 4'.
And, finally, this quilt that I call Duck, Goose did not place. I entered it in the Pieced by Owner, Quilted by Owner or Other category.

The judge didn't seem all that interested in even taking a second look at it. First, let me assure you that I am not at all upset that this quilt did not place. There were 14 quilts in this category, all beautiful. Second, the judge was an experienced quilter who taught classes for many years. She did a fabulous job judging. I know this quilt is nothing extraordinary, but I also know the effort that I put into making this quilt - time searching for just the right fabric panel, pattern, and fabric, time carefully cutting the ombre fabrics, time piecing the borders. I had to order more of the fabric to allow the ombre to work the way I wanted it to. Of course, the judge had no idea how much time I spent on this quilt. So after the judging of that category, I asked her if she could make any comments about the quilt. She said it was a nice quilt, well made, etc., etc. but since it was a cheater quilt she felt there were other quilts in the category that were more complicated to make. She's not wrong. Again, I am NOT upset about my quilt not getting a ribbon, but I did learn something that day. I had never considered a panel to be cheater fabric. There is a category for Cheater Quilts. I have made three quilts using panels during the years that I have been entering quilts that have NOT been entered in the Cheater Quilt category. No one ever suggested that these quilts were in the wrong category. None of my quilt friends had ever heard of this either. I guess I could kind of see it as cheater fabric IF no other piecing is done with the panel. I have always enhanced the panels with piecing/applique to make them bigger. Anyway, just had to get that off my chest :)
My son entered three items this year. Two in the Recycled Materials category. He got a 1st on the cow. The Autism puzzle piece did not place.
This piece was entered in the Lawn and Garden Art category.
He created this piece in memory of my brother who was a beekeeper, hunter, and motorcycle enthusiast. The golden spike in the middle of the cross came from his motorcycle.
Well, that's all I have time for today. It has taken me two days to write this post! It's funny, we can go days with nothing to do, then suddenly we have something going on every day for a week or more.
I will leave you with a couple more photos of the kitties.
Stay safe and well.
Happy quilting!